Training - KW#31-23 - 7/27/2023

Montag - WOD

Class WOD (Class)
Teams of 3 - Relay
15 Cal Row
3 Bench Press

I want to sweat:
10/8 Cal Row

I want to perform:
12/10 Cal Row

I want to compete:
15/12 Cal Row

Accessory (Class)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Rows

Dienstag - WOD

Class WOD (Class)
Every 5:00 - 7 Rounds
56 Double Unders
16/13 Cal Echo Bike
8 Devil Press

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.


I want to sweat:
16  Double Unders mit Zwischensprung
12/9 Cal  Echo Bike
8 Devil Press15kg/10kg

I want to perform:
40 Double Unders
14/11 Cal Echo Bike
8 Devil Press 17.5kg/12.5kg

I want to compete:
56 Double Unders
16/13 Cal Echo Bike
8 Devil Press 22.5kg/15kg

Mittwoch - WOD

MetCon/Class WOD (Class)
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar

I want to sweat:
1000m Bike
15 Abmat Situps

I want to perform:
400m Run
15 Knees to Elbow/10 Toes to Bar

I want to compete:
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar (unbroken!)

Bodybuilding (Class)
4 Sets:
12 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
12 Dumbbel Row

into 2-3 Sets:
15-20 Dumbbell Flies
10-15 Banded Face Pulls

Donnerstag - WOD

MetCon/Class WOD (Class)
AMRAP20 - You go, I go - Teams of 2
20 Wall Balls
10 Burpees over Medball

I want to sweat:
Ball: 14lbs/10lbs
7 Burpees

I want to perform:
Ball: 20lbs/14lbs
10 Burpees

I want to compete:
Ball: 30lbs/20lbs
10 Burpees

Bodybuilding (Class)
3 Sets:
12 Bulgarian Split Squats 
12 Bent over Lateral Raises

Freitag - WOD

MetCon/Class WOD (Class)
Run 1000m
30 Deadlifts
Run 1000m 
20 Deadlifts 
Run 1000m
10 Deadlifts

I want to sweat:
3000m Echo Bike
30 Deadlifts 60kg/40kg
20 Deadlifts 80kg/55kg
10 Deadlifts 100kg/67.5kg

I want to perform:
30 Deadlifts 80kg/55kg
20 Deadlifts 110kg/75kg
10 Deadlifts 140kg/95kg

I want to compete:
30 Deadlifts 100kg/67.5kg
20 Deadlifts 140kg/95kg
10 Deadlifts 180kg/120kg

Samstag - WOD

Class WOD (Class)
1 Round of Cindy

1 Round of Cindy:
5 Pullps
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
Every 1:30
6 Ring Rows
9 Box Push ups
12 Lunges/Squats

I want to perform:

I want to compete:
“Chelsea” + 10kg/6kg Vest

Sonntag - WOD

Sunday Mash (Class)
Team Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of: 
Partner Run, 600 m 
40 Worm Squats 
12 Burpee Wall Climb Overs

In Teams of 6 Run together:
Worm Squats with 1 Barbell 40kg/30kg
Burpee Wall Climb Overs together in Groups of 2. 

Da die CrossFit Games laufen, hier ein Workout mit ein paar ausgewählten Movements die sich an den Teamevents dieses und des letzten Jahres orientieren. Worm mit Barbell = Gegenüber lateral zu einer Langhantel stehen und die Hantel an den Aufnahmen Schultern.
Die "Wall" sind gestapelte Boxen.