Training - KW#34-23 - 8/17/2023

Montag - WOD

Class WOD
3 Pull Overs
12 Push Ups
12 Kettlebell Snatches (6+6)

I want to sweat:
6 Jumping Pull Ups
9 Box Push Ups
12 Kettlebell Swings 16kg/12kg

I want to perform:
 3 Pull Overs
9 Push Ups
12 Kettlebell Snatches 24kg/16kg

I want to compete:
 3 Pull Overs
12 Push Ups
12 Kettlebell Snatches 24kg/16kg


Dienstag - WOD

Class WOD 
6 Sets:
55 Double Unders
400m Run
25 Cal Echo Bike

Rest 3:00 b/t Sets

Score = Slowest Round

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
50 Single Unders
400m Run
15/12 Cal Echo Bike

I want to perform:
35 Double Unders
400m Run
20/16 Cal Echo Bike

I want to compete:
55 Double Unders
400m Run
25/21 Cal Echo Bike


Mittwoch - WOD

Class WOD
Weighted Strict Pullups
Weighted Strict Dips

I want to sweat:
6 Rounds
5-10 Perfect Push Ups/Close Grip Bench Press
5-12 Ring Rows

I want to perform:
Strict Pull Ups
Strict Dips

I want to compete:
Strict Pull Ups +16kg/+8kg
Strict Dips +22.5kg/+15kg

4 Sets:
12 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
12 Dumbbell Row

Donnerstag - WOD

MetCon/Class WOD
AMRAP24 - Teams of 2:
You Go, I go
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
9 Toes to Bar
6 Burpee Box Jump Over

I want to sweat:
15kg/10kg, Knee Raises, 24"/20"

I want to perform:
10x 22.5kg/15kg, Knees to Elbow, 30"/24"

I want to compete:
22.5kg/15kg, Toes to Bar, 36"/30"

Freitag - WOD

MetCon/Class WOD
For Time:
20 Back Squats
2000m Run
20 Back Squats

3 Sets:
12-15 Goblet Sissy Squats
12-15 Romanian Deadlifts

I want to sweat:

I want to perform:

I want to compete:

Samstag - WOD

Class WOD
4 Rounds for Time:
1 Set of Cardio
5 Rounds of “Cindy”

Wie immer: Die Optionen sind nur Vorschläge und müssen individuell angepasst werden.

I want to sweat:
3000m Echo Bike
4 Rounds of:
6 Ring Rows
8 Box Push Ups
10 Squats

I want to perform:
1000m Row
5 Rounds of Cindy

I want to compete:
1000m Ski
5 Rounds of Cindy - Chest to Bar

Sonntag - WOD

Sunday Mash
Team Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of: 
Walking Lunge, 20/14 lbs 
Bear Hug Squat, 20/14 lbs

Every Partner has his/her own wallball which you can not drop until the end of the workout. If you do, it's a 12 Rep Burpee penalty for both. You can switch whenever you want while working on the AMRAP. 2-4-6-8-10... for both the Lunges and the Squats.